Jul 28, 2012

Product Review: Fisher Price iPad Cover

Hunny Pie and I went to Target today for my first post baby outing, and I must admit to going a bit crazy in the store.

Cabin fever was setting in...

The toddler is obsessed with my iPad.

I cringe every time she touches it.

Magic...in the form of...(drum roll)...

This is WONDERFUL!!! In an all caps---spread the word kind of way.

The obvious major win is protection.

Second...there is a strip to keep tiny fingers from constantly pushing the home button on the pad. I'm not sure if your baby Einstein is like mine...but she seems drawn to the home button like a moth to a porch light.

The look and feel is baby/toddler friendly with 3 choices of leverage for play: it can be held up, propped up by oneor two levers found on the back of the device.

Downside? Two points to nite...You need a coin to open the back plate, and there is no way to turn the pad on or off while in the case. Small items that are a nusance, but for $60.00  an overall great investment.

Dena B

Jul 11, 2012

Where to Sleep?

Traveling with small children is fun.

There is nothing quite like the hotel cribs--even if you're lucky enough to score one in the quality level of the Gaylord or Disney Chains.

Unlucky? Sleepless nights.

Squeak, squeak, rattle, rattle...toss..turn..no getting cozy...or so it seems.

We've begun booking hotel rooms with 2 queen beds, however; I have a fear that one roll too many will equal a face plant on the floor.

Faced with the arrival of our newest family member next week and a 4 day hospital stay, I am nervous about someone getting Mimi to bed at home while I'm gone.

Soon after he is born, we will go on a family trip and we'll be faced with the crib scenario again.

I thought and thought..and then saw an amazing item in Target for about $30 while on a random trip the other day. 

This thing is actually super comfy, quickly assembles, comes in a bag and seriously is a quick shake pop-it-open endeavor.

The portable toddler camping bed.

Picked up a cute toddler sleeping bag as well...and boys and girls...I just hope the excitement shown in the photo above lasts and we have an inexpensive go anywhere solution.

I have a feeling we have a winner.