Feb 17, 2012

Finding a daddy. Progress.

Finding a daddy...

I'm not sure where or how this started, but we play with Mimi with expressions like..where's the mommy..get the daddy...instead of using correct sentences.

Last week I went to pick her up from school and walking out the door we were playing let's go home and get the daddy...which turned into let's go find a daddy..which turned into laughter as I realized I made the statement while a man held the door open for us as we exited the building.

I hope when tells this story at parties about the mom and baby going daddy hunting right after daycare..he makes it extra juicy.


The final mock-up for the Mimi-zilla.com Web Site is complete. I am super excited. It looks great.

I spent 3 hours today doing inventory on clothes. While it's fun...it's also work.

Can't wait for the next milestone!

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